“ELC” English Learning Club

Dipublikasikan oleh Himasi Unisba pada

[ “ELC” English Learning Club ]

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

?Whats’up Kawula Muda Akuntan?

Get yourself ready because we are opening the “ELC”. “ELC” is a kind of english course that will be held once on every week. The course will be starting on March 2020.

?The registration will be opened on:
?11 – 21 February 2020
?100k / person

?You can also do the registration by filling this form :

On this course you will surely get :
?Group discussion
?Non formals class system

⚠️Make sure you will not miss the chance to join us because this course is opened for every college student in accounting department. This course will, bring you nothing but new experiences!!

?For further information, gladly contact us on :

Line : fauziyahrifa
Whatsapp : 089686129779
Ig : fauziyahrifa

Thank you,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Departemen Jaringan Komunikasi

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